PRESENT: D. Portman, President, G. Antoniuk, Vice-President M. Nylund, Secretary Treasurer DIRECTORS: R. Wallace, M. Elder, S. Ward, P. Davis, K. Calvert, D. Mickle, G.Anderson

DIRECTORS ABSENT: B. Haney, P. Jacobson

MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Nylund, A. Stendie, B. Barker, B. Carleton, C. Loxam, C. Coggins, F. Coggins, C. White, B. Hunter, L. Gilmar

1.0 CALL TO ORDER 2.0 The meeting was called to order at 1:15 pm.

2.0 ADDITIONS TO and APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved with the addition of

7.4 Archival Storage

7.5 Kathy Calvert’s taped interviews

3.0 APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES. Minutes of May 10, 2012 Annual General Meeting

3.1 The Minutes of the May 10, 2012 Annual General Meeting were read.

MOTION: GILMAR/COGGINS – to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2012 Annual General Meeting. CARRIED.

4.0 MEMBERSHIP REPORT Kathy Calvert reported there are 22 Lifetime members, 3 Associate members, 3 Honourary members and 69 Voting Members. There are still about 15 unpaid voting members. However, some of these members will submit their dues today.

MOTION: MICKLE/COGGINS – to approve the membership report as presented. CARRIED.

5.0 FINANCIAL REPORT 5.1 Audited Financial Statement Marie reported that an Audit has been conducted by Don Hepburn of the Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation on the financial records for the fiscal year 2012. The fiscal year end for our society is December 31st of each year. Marie reported that the bank balance as at December 31, 2012 was $9,460.00. Total income for the 2012 fiscal year was $4,248.06; total disbursements were $11,164.13. The report was presented in the format required by the Province of Alberta for the society’s annual report which is required to retain our society status.

5.2 Balance Sheet – January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 The balance sheet for the 2012 fiscal year was also presented. This report is basically the same information as is presented in the Audited Financial report but is formatted slightly different.

Marie noted that unfortunately our current year (2013) bank balance is approximately $7,000.00 due to the fact that we were not able to access a Community Spirit Grant to support the Oral

History Project. The society has funded the last two phases of the project from membership and donation revenue.

Recently we learned that the Provincial Community Spirit Grant has been eliminated for 2013 which was a blow to our society as we anticipated receiving a grant to carry on the Oral History Project. We are hopeful that the grant might be reinstated for 2014.

Marie recommended that we continue with the goal to acquire the minimum $1,000 in donations so that if the Community Spirit Grant is reinstated for 2014 we will have the minimum of $1000 in donations required to qualify to apply for the grant.

A short discussion ensued on our December 31st fiscal year end and if it should be changed. The provincial grant applications are based on the financial statements of the applicants at the society’s fiscal year end. The deadline for these grant applications is usually mid December – two weeks prior to our fiscal year end. Therefore, we submit the previous year’s approved financial statement for the current year’s grant application. Changing the fiscal year requires a by-law amendment. Now that we are aware of the terms of the grant application pertaining to fiscal year end there is no need to change our by-laws.

MOTION: DAVIS/BARKER – to accept the financial report as presented. CARRIED.

6.0 BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (OLD BUSINESS) 6.1 Amendments to Park Warden Service Alumni Society by-laws The Chairman reviewed the changes that have been made to our by-laws. Provision for expansion of the Board by two persons, and the new membership category for Lifetime Members were the two major changes to these by-laws. Members may request a copy of the by-laws from the Secretary-Treasurer.

6.2 Oral History Project update & publishing or Oral Histories Thirty interviews have been completed over 4 phases. Several names were added to the list of prospective interviewees.

ACTION: Marie will attach the list to these minutes and submit these names to Christine Everts.

Since the Provincial Community Spirit Grant is not available this year, the society has limited funds to continue in the same capacity for the Oral History Project. This project has been our main focus and has been very successful. Members agreed it was important to continue the project even if we have to scale it back a bit. Discussion on financing the Oral Histories resulted in the following recommendations:

1. reduce the number of interviews in each phase for each of the next few phases perhaps;

2. reduce the travel time for interviews by conducting more interviews by telephone;

3. fund raising initiatives

ACTION: Marie will summarize the Oral History Project revenue and expenses for the next meeting of the Board.

It was agreed that we should accumulate an inventory of all of the oral history and other interviews that have been conducted over the years, who was interviewed, by whom, and where these interviews are located. This will help to prioritize oral history interviews. For instance, Kathy

Calvert has approximately 135 taped interviews that she conducted on mini cassette tapes. Kathy has been exploring transferring these mini cassette recordings to a digital format.

Rod suggested to Kathy that she contact the Provincial Archives regarding transferring these tapes to a digital format.

Perry Davis provided information on the publishing of the oral histories. Ben Gadd has offered some helpful information on a self-publishing program. Once the oral histories are printed we would own the copyright. However, we could pursue registering a copyright. It was agreed that to officially register the copyright would be a good idea.

There is a possibility of generating revenue through donations from people who access oral history e-books if we post them on our website. There will be upfront costs involved (editing, photos, etc.). It would be wise to include a prologue and epilogue.

Christine Everts will be offered the opportunity to take on the task of looking into the publishing of oral histories once a decision has been made to proceed with publishing of the histories.

MOTION: ANDERSON/STENDIE – that the Park Warden Service Alumni inventory all of the oral histories and other recorded histories that have been completed, who was interviewed and where these interviews are located. CARRIED.

ACTION: Bob Barker, Al Stendie and Gord Anderson will inventory the interviews conducted over the years, where these interviews are located and who was interviewed and by whom.

7.0 NEW BUSINESS 7.1 Park Warden Service Alumni future goals 1. Fund raising will be a major goal so that we can continue the Oral History Project. Ideas included exploring other grant options, ticket auctions, entertaining tourists for Brewsters and Holiday on Horseback . The September 15th concert with “The Wardens” in Cochrane will generate the $1000 loaned to “The Wardens” band to produce their recently released CD. It is hoped that the concert may generate more than $1.000 profit.

Pursue the goal of Archival storage of items at the Whyte Museum and cost sharing with Parks Canada on both the archival storage and oral history project.

ACTION: Dale Portman, Don Mickle, Rod Wallace and Perry Davis will: 1. confirm with the Whyte Museum if they can accommodate the Parks Canada collection; 2. request a meeting with Banff Park to discuss the possibility of cost sharing the archival

storage at the Whyte Museum and help financially support the Oral History Project.

7.2 Volunteerism – Banff National Park Perry Davis reported on the meeting with Bill Hunt on the requirements for volunteers for Banff National Park. In order to determine the level of interest from members present today, a show of hands was called and revealed only 4 members are interested in doing volunteer work/mentoring for Banff National Park. Therefore it was agreed that these 4 people can volunteer as individuals rather than as a group representing the Park Warden Service Alumni.

7.3 Bison Belong update Cliff White reported that due to budget constraints the project has been delayed to 2015. The location for bison release is the Panther River area and will be a Parks Canada project only (no volunteers at first). The Luxton Foundation wants to have a float in the Canada Day Parade in Banff. Park Warden Service Alumni members were invited to participate.

7.4 Archival Storage Rod Wallace spoke about the importance of preserving and protecting the archival collection from the Banff Warden Office. Parks Canada has expressed interest in obtaining copies of the Oral History interviews which they will benefit from. Funding support is key to both these projects and perhaps a cost-sharing agreement with Banff Park would assist with the Oral History Project and Archival storage and protection.

MOTION: BARKER/ELDER – that the Park Warden Service Alumni approach Parks Canada with regards to an agreement with Parks Canada Agency (Mountain Parks) to cost share expenses related to the continuation of the Oral History Project and preservation and protection of the archival collection at the Whyte Museum. CARRIED.

ACTION: Dale Portman, Don Mickle, Rod Wallace and Perry Davis will pursue a meeting with Parks Canada Agency (Banff) regarding the archival collection and cost sharing of oral history project.

7.5 Kathy Calvert’s taped interviews – discussed under 6.2.

8.0 ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Chairman encouraged members to let their name stand for election. He reviewed the positions that are up for election and opened the floor to nominations for the position of President.

MOTION: WARD/ANTONIUK – to nominate Dale Portman for President. CARRIED. There were no further nominations. Dale Portman was elected by acclamation.

The floor was opened for nominations for Vice-President. MOTION: DAVIS/COGGINS – to nominate Gordon Antoniuk for the position of Vice-President.

CARRIED. There were no further nominations. Gordon Antoniuk was elected by acclamation.

The floor was opened to nominations for Secretary-Treasurer. MOTION: ELDER/ANTONIUK – to nominate Marie Nylund for the position of Secretary- Treasurer. CARRIED. No further nominations were received. Marie Nylund was elected by acclamation.

Directors: (Directors are elected for 2 and 3 year terms) Three directors (Perry Jacobson, Scott Ward and Bob Haney) were elected for a 3-year term at last year’s annual general meeting. There are 6 directors, including the Newsletter Editor, whose terms have expired this year and they have all agreed to let their names stand for nomination.

MOTION: GILMAR/ELDER – to nominate Don Mickle, Kathy Calvert, Perry Davis, Mac Elder, Gord Anderson and Rod Wallace as directors for a 2 year term. CARRIED

MOTION: CALVERT/BARKER to nominate Cliff White as a director for a 2 year term. CARRIED

MOTION: PORTMAN/NYLUND – to nominate Larry Gilmar as a director for a 2 year term. CARRIED

All of the directors’ positions were elected by acclamation as no other nominations had been put forth.

SECRETARY’S NOTE: This brings the total number of Board members to the maximum 14 permitted under the bylaws. Presently there are 11 directors, including the Newsletter Editor. Per Article 25 of the By-laws the directors shall hold office on a rotating basis as with half of the directors serving for a 2-year term and the other half serving for a 3-year term. Should the position of Secretary and Treasurer be split into two separate positions – the number of directors must be reduced by one to a maximum of 10 directors.

All board positions will be up for re-election in 2015. No election of officers needs to be held in 2014, however, an Annual General Meeting will still be required.

9.0 Website demonstration Perry Davis and Gordon Antoniuk gave a demonstration on how to access the website and post items onto the website. The website address is: parkwardenalumni.com

10. ANNOUNCEMENTS; 1. Sunday, September 15 – “The Wardens Band” concert in Cochrane 2. Barbecue at the BLHA Jerry Martin Picnic Shelter to follow today’s meeting.

11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:45 pm.