Ray identified these fellows as best he could.
Back row:  1-5 not sure   6 – Mike Woledge (son of Neil)  7 – ?,  8 – Gordon McClain, 9 Max Winkler, 10 ?, 11 Bud Armstrong,
12 Larry Tremblay,  13, 14, 15 ?, 16 Larry McGuire, 17 Alf Burstrom, 18. Ray Knight.
Middle row:  1.  Mickey McGuire, 2. ?, 3. Andy Corrigal, 4. & 5 ?, 6. KB Mitchel, 7-12 ?, 13. Mac Elder, 14 Murray Dawson, 15. – 18. ?,
17. might be Luther Ferguson from PANP.
Front row:  1. ?, 2. Gord Rutherford, 3. ?, 4. Gerry Campbell, 5. Gerry (Red) Lyster, 6-7 ?, 8. Don Dumpleton, 9. Monrad Kjorlien, 10. Norm Woody, 11. Ole Hermanrude, 12. Abe Loewen, 13. ?